International Seagrass Biology Workshop (ISBW)
The International Seagrass Biology Workshops (ISBW) are biennial meetings of the World Seagrass Association. WSA members facilitate the organisation of these biennial meetings, and the WSA usually provides financial support where possible. The aim for all ISBWs is to help answer ongoing global research on seagrass and provide a space to describe and foster positive management outcomes for these ever more stressed coastal seagrass environments.

Dog Whelk Eggs on Seagrass, Cornwall, UK | Credit: Shannon Moran / Ocean Image Bank
In response to the extensive decline of Zostera marina in the Northern hemisphere starting from the 1930s onwards, along with losses of other seagrass species, scientists convened in Fairbanks, Alaska in early 1973 to establish global coordination for seagrass research. This led to the first International Seagrass Workshop being organized and held in Leiden, The Netherlands, later that year.

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
In response to the extensive decline of Zostera marina in the Northern hemisphere starting from the 1930s onwards, along with losses of other seagrass species, scientists convened in Fairbanks, Alaska in early 1973 to establish global coordination for seagrass research. This led to the first International Seagrass Workshop being organized and held in Leiden, The Netherlands, later that year.

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
The next international gathering for seagrass scientists took place in 1981 during the 13th International Botanical Congress in Sydney, Australia. Professor Tony Larkum from Sydney University organized a one-day seagrass workshop during this event. By the time of the workshop and the subsequent aquatic angiosperm session at the Congress, an international approach to seagrass research and related issues was well advanced.

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
In 1993, the 15th International Botanical Congress was scheduled for Yokohama, Japan. However, as there was no seagrass session listed, Professors Keiko Aioi of the University of Tokyo and John Kuo, University of Western Australia took the initiative to organize a three-day seagrass workshop in Kominato, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. This meeting marked the inception of the International Seagrass Biology Workshop Series that continues to the present day. During the meeting, participants agreed on the importance of organizing additional meetings that would focus on global seagrass issues and areas of high seagrass biodiversity. It was also decided that these meetings would be convened at two-year intervals.
In 1993, the 15th International Botanical Congress was scheduled for Yokohama, Japan. However, as there was no seagrass session listed, Professors Keiko Aioi of the University of Tokyo and John Kuo, University of Western Australia took the initiative to organize a three-day seagrass workshop in Kominato, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. This meeting marked the inception of the International Seagrass Biology Workshop Series that continues to the present day. During the meeting, participants agreed on the importance of organizing additional meetings that would focus on global seagrass issues and areas of high seagrass biodiversity. It was also decided that these meetings would be convened at two-year intervals.

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Upcoming ISBWs
2024 World Seagrass Conference & 15th International Seagrass Biology Workshop: Napoli, Italy, 17–21 June, 2024

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank

Seagrass in Zanzibar, Tanzania | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Previous ISBWs
ISBW 14: Chesapeake Bay, USA, 9–14 August 2020
ISBW 13, and World Seagrass Conference: Singapore. 11–17 June 2018.
ISBW 12: Nant Gwrtheyrn, Wales. 17–23 October 2016.
ISBW 11: Sanya, China. 7–10 November 2014.
ISBW 10: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 25–30 November 2012.
ISBW 9: Phuket–Trang, Phuket & Trang, Thailand. 21–30 November 2010.
ISBW 8: British Columbia, Canada. August – September 2008.
ISBW 7: Zanzibar, Tanzania. 10–16 September 2006.
ISBW 6, and the Seagrass 2004 conference: Townsville and Magnetic Island, Australia. 24 September – 1 October 2004.
ISBW 5: Ensenada, México. 7–11 October 2002.
ISBW 4: Corsica, France. 25 September – 1 October 2000.
ISBW 3: Pangasinan, Philippines. 19–26 April 1998.
ISBW 2: Rottnest Island, Perth, Australia. 25–29 January 1996.
ISBW 1: Kominato, Japan. 24–26 August 1993.
Aerial of Seagrass Meadow in Myeik Archipelago, Myanmar | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank
Aerial of Seagrass Meadow in Myeik Archipelago, Myanmar | Credit: Ben Jones / Ocean Image Bank